Feb 21, 2011

Students must vote during the 'Students' Election' because....

Now is the season of student's election..why all this election must have in life of a student??? Election is being done to give the students the opportunity to choose their representative, their voice and their leader. And this is why all the students must vote during the Students' Election. After the election, the representative a.k.a the winner must voice out all the students needs for a better future and better environment of study. This election also will trained or giving the experience to the student on how will the actual general election will undergo. this election also will give the representative the experience, the knowledge and everything else on how to be a leader and maybe just maybe when the right time comes, the representative will be a great leader in the future. so from here the credibility of a leader must be polished thoroughly so that he or she will become a leader, good leader and great leader.

That's all..
Thank you..

p/s: the person we voted won!!! hehe

Feb 15, 2011

Career Awareness Day

Hello and Assalamualaikum..
This time we want to share with all of you our experience going to Career Awareness Day.

So we went to this event is to gain an extra knowledge and build up our self confidence for future career. From here we got so many extra informations to prepare ourselves for future career.
This event gives so much advantage. The speaker itself gives a great speech on how to prepare ourselves. The speaker touched on so many expect in order to make sure that we are ready for future career. They start with how to write the Resume and Job Application Letter. And then they show us where and how we can get the information on job opportunity.  And then come one of our favourite part. The Grooming part…hehe..actually we are not being groomed but we being teach how to groom ourselves. It is an interesting session because we got so many information on grooming. From what to wear, what kind of shirt, accessories, hair and even the tie they show the suitable tie to wear. Last but not least, they teach us how to prepare before, during and after interview. Here we practice as an interviewer and also the person to be interviewed.  Luckily our name not being listed..hahaha..but we get the chance other people to practice and learn from them..

Here is some photos we like to share with all of you

 The Speaker~

The Audience~

Grooming session~

Practice part 1~ (Ashraf involved)

 Practice part 2~ (Sha involved)

“Great Leaders are not born, there are made”

Hello and assalamualaikum to all readers..
Without we noted it have been 6 weeks we study here in this beautiful campus..

So here is the assignment for week 5

“Great Leaders are not born, there are made”

We agree with this statement. In this world, it have been Said by ALLAH that all human that He made in this world are born to be a leader. But what kind of leader?
That statement will be a mystery to all of us. Each person in this world has their own responsibility. That makes them a leader. When a man marries a woman, automatically he became a leader of a family. But will he be a great leader? We don’t think so.

In our opinion, to be great leader he must possess a quality attitude. He must ready to face many obstacles. These kind obstacles are always the obstacles that will challenge them physically and mentally. When they overcome it, they will be great leader. A great leader is a leader that can change the world. We have so many example but we will stick to one person that in our opinion is the greatest leaders ever.

Our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Where we stand right now, the religion we hold right now is all because of him. Because of his fight for this world and our religion, we right now live in this world peacefully and embrace our religion.

So for us that is the different between great leader and a leader.
Thank you

Feb 9, 2011

Mandarin Orange

Assalamualaikum everyone..

actually we don't have any idea to write on this entry. so we just thinking and thinking what we are doing last holiday.oh yeah..just downloading all new episode of series that we like to watch..

suddenly we got an idea. oranges!
yes mandarin oranges!

as you all know mandarin oranges always represents Chinese New Year~
it resembles abundance and good fortune. During the two-week celebration, they are frequently displayed as decoration and presented as gifts to friends, relatives, and business associates.

and last but not least we want to share some info that will make all of you laugh~
we like to eat orange but what we think different is when we eat the oranges we cannot stop eat it. we become just like an automatic person. after one orange we take another orange. at one time we can eat to about 6-7 oranges!!

sound crazy right? but that is us! sometimes crazy..hahaha
so we think that's it. we hope whoever have a same crazy hobby like us..
drop by n share with us~

until then~

p/s: completed 8 posts! hehehe =)

Feb 8, 2011

Birth Order Trait

Hello and Assalamualaikum..

So straight to the point..
so here is our opinion. based on our experience
we will discuss this matter based on two person experience
we think there are truth in this birth order trait.

I'm the eldest in my family. From my (Farouq) experience, when you are the eldest child in your family..
you will feel the responsibility that been given by your family..
in other words, when you the eldest child, automatically you got the responsibility.
from my experience, all my siblings got the characteristic from the birth trait order.

I'm the youngest in my family. From my (Athifah) experience, i have the characteristic that a youngest child had. But this characteristic is only can be seen when i with my family...i have 3 brothers above me. my eldest brother have the characteristic of an eldest child while my other two brother have the same characteristic of a middle child..but since I'm the only girl in my family so sometimes i took the responsibility from my brothers since all of them have their own work and family..

But sometimes all this birth trait, is not comply to every person..
Sometimes the other child like the middle or the youngest child will take the responsibility from the eldest child and vice versa with the eldest child.It is not important if you are the eldest, the middle or the youngest child in your family, but each person in the family have their own responsibility. So for us this birth trait is true and can be accepted psychologically but in reality this birth trait didn't comply to every person in this world.

The attitude or the characteristic of each person is not being made from what people say or see or psychologically. but the attitude is made from their own self. If they want to be responsible, they have to act or change to be responsible.Each person in this world have been given the chance to change themselves it just whether they change to good or bad.

that's all for this time..
thank you..