Feb 21, 2011

Students must vote during the 'Students' Election' because....

Now is the season of student's election..why all this election must have in life of a student??? Election is being done to give the students the opportunity to choose their representative, their voice and their leader. And this is why all the students must vote during the Students' Election. After the election, the representative a.k.a the winner must voice out all the students needs for a better future and better environment of study. This election also will trained or giving the experience to the student on how will the actual general election will undergo. this election also will give the representative the experience, the knowledge and everything else on how to be a leader and maybe just maybe when the right time comes, the representative will be a great leader in the future. so from here the credibility of a leader must be polished thoroughly so that he or she will become a leader, good leader and great leader.

That's all..
Thank you..

p/s: the person we voted won!!! hehe


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